Now that spring is here, it’s a good time to take stock of your motorcycle’s condition, whether it’s been in storage or you’ve been riding it through the winter. Ensuring that your bike is all ready to go for your spring and summer rides can save you a headache. Here are the steps we recommend you perform.

Wash Your Motorcycle

First off, a clean bike is just easier to maintain. Giving your bike a thorough washing can clear away debris and dirt, and you’ll also be close to your motorcycle so that you can examine it as you scrub. You can apply a polish when you’re done washing and drying your motorcycle to give it a nice shine and keep it cleaner through the spring.

Check Tires

The pressure and condition of your tires is critical to safety and fuel efficiency. Check both tires’ psi levels with your tire-pressure gauge and air them up as needed. While you’re there, you can examine each tire to make sure that there’s enough tread depth and that there are no objects like nails embedded in the rubber or cracks in the sidewalls.

Top Off Fluids

Your motorcycle engine requires a few different fluids to keep it running smoothly. Make sure you always have a full tank of clean gasoline for your rides and that your oil is changed on a regular basis. You should also take a look at your coolant levels and top this fluid off as necessary.

Looking to buy a motorcycle in Florida? Come see us at our dealership location in Homosassa Springs today to view our wide range of new and used motorcycles for sale, including the latest Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. Crystal Harley-Davidson® serves our customers in Spring Hill and all of Citrus County, FL.